Lower Green House benefits from good transport links into London with Welwyn Garden City, Hertford North and Welwyn North train stations all only a few miles away. Road links are also good with the A1(M) motorway providing easy access to the M25, London and the North.
Tewin dates back to the Saxon times and there are numerous old buildings and 17 century cottages around the village. The local church of Saint Peter is half a mile south west of Lower Green and was originally built around 604 AD. It is believed to have been destroyed during the Norman conquest and was then rebuilt around 1086 with further modifications thereafter.
The Plume of Feathers pub dates back to around 1500 AD, and The Queen Hoo Memorial Hall was slightly later in 1584.
The Rose and Crown pub, Tewin Junior School and village shop (with post office) are all located around Lower Green. There are several small independent businesses operating in Tewin from beauty therapy, mobile hairdressing, car servicing and veterinary whilst also including the essential trades. Welwyn Garden City offers all the conveniences for shopping with a selection of supermarkets and its wide range of branded fashion stores. All the popular high street banks are available and their are a large selection of restaurants, cafes and eateries.
Sports and leisure is plentiful with three golf courses and a sport centre with its own dry slope ski facility. Hertford is just a short drive east of Tewin which also offers a great range of convenience stores, pubs, restaurants and a theatre. Upper Green hosts various sporting activities such as tennis, cricket and football, as well as the Plume of Feathers pub which are only half a mile away to the North.
All floor area measurements are maximum and are shown in metric and imperial. They are for guide purposes only and should not be used for total accuracy, or for fitting carpeting/floor covering purposes. Purchasers or their representatives should contact the selling agent for full details. Kitchen plans are indicative only and are not intended to show the quantity or positions of appliances, base and wall units or worktops. Please ask selling agent for detailed kitchen plans.
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Artist’s perspective used in this brochure are intended to be a general guide to the appearance of the development. However, from time to time, it is necessary to make minor architectural changes, therefore prospective purchasers should check the latest plans with the selling agent. Due to our policy of continual improvement, we reserve the right to vary the specification as and when it may become necessary.
The agent for themselves and for the vendors of these properties whose agent they are give notice that: 1. These particulars do not constitute any part of any offer or contract. 2. All statements contained in these particulars related to the properties are made without responsibility on the part of the agent or the vendor. 3. None of the statements contained in these particulars relating to the properties and equipments are to be relied upon as statements of representations of fact. 4. Any intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of the statements in these particulars. 5. The vendor does not make or give and neither the agent nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to these properties. July 2015.
A Cairnpark Properties Development