The development is ideally located for travel into London, with Amersham station a short walk away. The station offers the choice of the Metropolitan Line into Baker Street/Aldgate or the Chiltern Line into Marylebone, both within about 35 minutes. The M40 is accessible at Junction 2 at Beaconsfield and the M25 at Junction 18 at Chorleywood.
Amersham on the Hill is a highly sought-after location that became established with the coming of the Metropolitan Line railway, rapidly developing as ‘Metroland’ during the 1930’s to become the bustling centre it is today.
The area is renowned for its excellent educational facilities including Dr Challoner’s Grammar School for boys in Amersham on the Hill and High School for girls in nearby Little Chalfont.
Sycamore Road provides a variety of shopping facilities including Marks & Spencer and Waitrose Food Halls, as well as a number of coffee houses and restaurants. The contrasting ‘Old Town’ at the bottom of Station Road has the historic High Street and Market Square.
The glorious Chiltern countryside ‘an area of outstanding natural beauty’ provides many miles of lovely country walks and bridleways. Harewood Downs and Little Chalfont Golf Clubs are both under 4 miles away.
All floor area measurements are maximum and are shown in metric and imperial. They are for guide purposes only and should not be used for total accuracy, or for fitting carpeting/floor covering purposes. Purchasers or their representatives should contact the selling agent for full details. Kitchen plans are indicative only and are not intended to show the quantity or positions of appliances, base and wall units or worktops. Please ask selling agent for detailed kitchen plans.
To register your interest in this development please contact the numbers below, or fill in this short enquiry form.
Artist’s perspective used in this brochure are intended to be a general guide to the appearance of the development. However, from time to time, it is necessary to make minor architectural changes, therefore prospective purchasers should check the latest plans with the selling agent. Due to our policy of continual improvement, we reserve the right to vary the specification as and when it may become necessary.
The agent for themselves and for the vendors of these properties whose agent they are give notice that: 1. These particulars do not constitute any part of any offer or contract. 2. All statements contained in these particulars related to the properties are made without responsibility on the part of the agent or the vendor. 3. None of the statements contained in these particulars relating to the properties and equipments are to be relied upon as statements of representations of fact. 4. Any intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of the statements in these particulars. 5. The vendor does not make or give and neither the agent nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to these properties. July 2015.
A joint venture between Cairnpark Properties & Chess Homes Ltd